Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix [ENG/v1.0.12][FULL][ISO][2011]
Название: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix Разработчик: Square Enix Издатель: Square Enix Дата выхода: 2011 Жанр: Action,JRPG Язык: ENG v1.0.12 Формат образа: ISO Прошивка: All PRO Размер архива: 1.0Gb
Описание: В игре происходят события за 10 лет до начала оригинальной Kindom Hearts. Даже если вы знакомы с серией достаточно плохо то в эту часть стоит поиграть, сюжетные линии здесь будут понятны и интересны. Например Вентус встречается в BbS с Lia и Aiza они члены Organization XIII в других сериях KH, а здесь это только их первая встреча. Новички, не игравшие в другие серии сразу поймут, что эти персонажи важны для сюжета и игры в целом. Сценарий The Birth by Sleep повествует историю трех персонажей: Тера, Вентус и Аква. Вы можете начать играть за любого персонажа, сюжетная линия все равно будет постепенно распутываться, так как история в игре одна, но игра за Вентуса будет, наверное, самая легкая, за Аква потруднее и самым трудным игровым сценарием окажется Тера. В игре Едиственным персонажем Final Fantasy будет Зак. Да-да тот самый Зак!!! Игра сочетает в себе отличную графику и интересный сюжет. В версии Final Mix Есть множество новинок и улучшений.
According to Shonen Jump, the playable secret episode in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix stars Aqua after being sealed in the World of Darkness. Yes, you get to explore this world and fight battles in it. Shonen Jump says the true lastbattleis in this episode andthe creaturewith the glowing red eyes appears to be the target. Themagazinehints there will be a tough fight with the mysterious foe. Players can unlock the secret episode after fulfillingcertainconditions in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix. These were not revealed in the issue. -All Unversed have been given new color schemes. For example, the Flood is now purple instead of blue. -The Sticker Album and its related quest have been added, though several of the rewards have been modified from the international release. -The Rhythm Mixer Command Style has been added. It is musical-themed, and requires the player to press button prompts for the finisher. -The Unison Rush, Voltage Stack, Illusion commands have been added. -The Illusion commands are obtained by completing Battle Missions, which can be found throughout the worlds as floating orbs emblazoned with the Unversed emblem, similar to that of the Vanitas Remnant. Each Battle Mission has its own rules and win requirements. -Characters in certain cutscenes, including ones on the Destiny Islands with Sora and Riku, are given higher quality facial animations. -The Skull Board has been added as a Command Board. -Pete has been added as a Dimension Link. -The Castle Circuit track has been added to Rumble Racing. -The "Destiny Islands" song has been added to Ice Cream Beat. -The Vanitas Remnant drops the Void Gear.[citation needed] -The Unknown appears as a boss, and drops the No Name. -Armor of the Master, Monstro, and No Heart appear as bosses of the three new Mirage Arena battles, "Mentor of Light", "Monster of the Deep", and "Machinations unto Darkness", respectively. -The "Monster of the Deep" battle is made up of a timed stage where the player can attack Monstro directly, and an acid-filled stage within Monstro's belly where the player is sent once the two minutes run out. The player must defeat the Unversed within Monstro to escape and try to damage Monstro further. -A new secret scene named "Zero point" will be introduced, in contrast to the secret movies seen in previous games. In the "Secret Episode", the player can actually control the characters that appear, rather than just watching the scene as a bystander. -While not part of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, a code released with the game can be input into Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy to receive a Kingdom Hearts-based alternate costume for Cloud.
CHANGELOG 1.0.12 [+]The patcher can now patch the ISO directly in case of update. [!]Some more Command Board a Mirage Arena tiles exchanged by the USA version ones. [!]Fixed the Command HUD in Deep Space for those who are patching already patched versions of the game.
CHANGELOG 1.0.11 [!]New stuff from the Command Board localized to the USA version.
CHANGELOG 1.0.10 [!]Fixed some windows that were not in the right position. [!]Fixed the text displayed in the sphere that leads to Vanitas' lingering spirit. [!]Some unused files have been removed.
CHANGELOG 1.0.9 [!]Changed some translations and several things users reported. [!]Fixed dnas_installer.
CHANGELOG 1.0.8 [!]Fixed all the wrong cutscene subtitles.
CHANGELOG 1.0.7 [!]Fixed all the glitched cutscenes in Disney Town.
CHANGELOG 1.0.6 [!]Fixed the glitch in a cutscene in Aqua's story (Thanks to VICTARDED for reporting this issue.)
CHANGELOG 1.0.5 [!]New, easier to use and faster patcher. [+]All cutscenes are subbed now. [!]Fixed the "push O button to continue" cutscenes problem. [+]Replaced lots of pictures and tile definitions to their USA ones. [!]Fixed minor translation errors. [+]Most Xehanort Reports are translated (10 and 11 are left out due to space issues).
CHANGELOG 1.0.3 [!]Fixed cutscenes that needed you to push O to go on. [!]Fixed "X" button displaying instead of "O" during command styles' finishers. [!]Fixed Command Finisher names to the real USA version ones. [!]Fixed Command Style descriptions.
CHANGELOG 1.0.2 [!]Command Styles bug fixed. [!]Fixed various small errors in the text. [-]The cutscenes that freeze or crash have been unsubtitled to prevent them to do so. [!]Comma fixed in menus. [!] Multiples text windows resized.
CHANGELOG 1.0.1 [!]Fixed Aqua cutscene on Destiny Island. [!]Fixed Iron Imprisoner I, II, III and IV's names in the report. [!]Fixed the comma ',' not displaying properly on subtitles. [!]Fixed Trinity Report crashing bug. [!]Fixed text misplaced in Land of Departure cutscene. [+] Translated "World Map" in the map name list.
CHANGELOG 1.0 [+] 99% of the text translated. [+] EUR font implemented. [+] 60% of the pictures translated. [!] Fixed crashes and bugs like the "?" in the journal.
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