Из слов Davee, данная программа требует лишь запуска на консоли и ничего более. Конечно, есть ограничения, связанные с моделью PSP и стоящей на ней прошивкой. Например, на PSPGO вы не сможете запустить прошивку 1.50, а на PSP 3000 09g вы не сможете поставить прошивку ниже 6.20.
Тем, кому интересна техническая сторона вопроса, выкладываю полный оригинал ниже под спойлером.
"As an ongoing project, me and some1 have been enhancing this downgrader from birth on the 6.31/6.35 firmwares. This multi-firmware downgrader allows you to install a lower (or higher) firmware without any fuss. No complex flash0 sharing, just running the firmware update. However, there comes restriction with PSP models and compatible firmware. For example, a PSPgo cannot run 1.50 as there are no drivers for the system and the IPL format is incompatible. Much like this, the PSP 3000 09g is unable to install firmwares < 6.30 which removes it's ability to appreciate the flexibility of permanent custom firmware.
This is no longer the case.
"It started off with rumours of 09g systems being “converted” to 04g systems with some sort of Sony equipment. I explored the firmware comparing 04g and 09g and there is little difference between the modules, so I looked into what makes a 04g and 09g different. I got various testers (named below) to give me information on their IDStorage and internal system data (baryon/tachyon). From this I can conclude that the only (effective) difference between a 04g and 09g is:
Idstorage Certificates
Baryon Version
Nothing more."
What does it technically do?
6.20-6.35: It uses the utility/power exploit to gain kernel access and reboots into the updater with a special PRX running. This PRX uses the pspdecrypt functionality to decrypt the updater PRX when needed. This allows the updater to boot in the newer firmwares.
6.38/6.39: It uses my http_storage exploit to gain kernel access. Basically, http_storage has a vulnerability in it, where I can write -1 to anywhere in memory.
6.60: Uses sceNetMPulldown to gain kernel access...
продолжениеИ да, чуть не забыл.
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